
Here are some demos which show how TE generates text input based on hints on UI.

Mutate text input based on hints

This demo shows how TE adaptively changes the text input of ‘username’ in Cram app based on the hints. TE first generates an input ‘a’ for it which doesn’t satisfy the length constraint, i.e. ‘Your username must be at least four characters’. Then, TE generates a new input, i.e. ‘a.G=Z’, based on the hint. However, it still illformats which leads to a new hint, i.e. ‘Username must contain only letter, numbers or dashes’, shown on screen. Finally, TE changes input to ‘7bGaZ4’, a valid text for this app, and passes this UI page successfully.

Extract verification code

Here is a demo that TE extracts verify code from SMS. In the registration of Yandex apk, TE first generates text inputs for name, password, and phone number. Note that, for the convenience of receiving verification code from app server, TE supports to specify the phone number as a real one based on the configuration in config.json file. Then the ‘smsOberserver’ app running in the physical phone will read the SMS inbox and forward the message to TE. Then, TE will inject the verification code to the corresponding text box and finish the account registration.